Sunday, March 2, 2014

Graduate or Get Out - Part Two

No Financial Aid After 90 Units

CCSF financial aid is enforcing the 90 unit eligibility cap for student aid.  In other words, no more financial aid after 90 attempted units.  The 90 unit cap is the formula of 150% of 60 units (minimum for an associate degree) which has been around for decades.  However, recent pressure from the federal and state government is requiring more stringent enforcement; meaning less appeals will be granted to go over the 90 units from now on.  

Legislators want to end the “perpetual student” – people who enroll and enroll and enroll without finishing something definitive like a certificate or degree.  The new push is to have students attending publically funded community colleges to: 
  1. Transfer to four year colleges, or
  2.  Complete a vocational-technical  certificate

In this new legislative agenda of “efficiency” and “trade school” thinking, people needing basic skills (adult basic education), high school diploma/GED, skills upgrade, or enrichment are all pushed aside.  "Transfer or learn a trade" is the new CA community college mantra and you won’t get any monies or registration priority after 90 units.

Next: New limits on class repeats (or why you'll be forced into Intermediate Yoga)

(Updated Monday, March 3, 2014)

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