Tuesday, March 18, 2014

CCSF: Still the Best Buy in America

Who’s Paying the Real Cost of Registration?

Most students wince at paying $46 per credit at City College of San Francisco but compared to New York State’s $165 per credit, California community colleges is among the best deals in American higher education

A more realistic per unit price is a private college where fees more closely reflect the actual cost of running a college.  A typical private college is our neighbor the University of San Francisco, a private Jesuit university, charging $1,415 per credit! ($39,840 Annual tuition).  Their charges reflects school salaries, facilities, utilities, maintenance, insurance, public safety, and all the costs associated with a large organization.  How does CCSF and all the California community colleges get away with $46?

The California tax payer makes up the $1,369 difference and has been ever since 1960 when the California legislature created The MasterPlan for Higher Education for the community college, California State University, and University of California system.  The goal was to train and educate as many Californians to be productive citizens as possible.  The resulting 1960’s-forward California economic boom has strong ties to our home grown highly educated workforce.

In Spring 2010 CCSF students paid $26 per credit (compared to $11 in Spring 2003!) but due to California’s budget problems made worse by the 2007 Great Recession fees jumped to $46 by Fall 2012. Forgotten is the 2007 fee drop to $20.  My hope is as California’s economy improves and tax revenues return, fees again will drop. 

Californians must remind Sacramento in future budget planning to restore funding for higher education and bring down costs.  I don’t know if we’ll ever see $11 per credit but we can do better than $46!

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